TGIT: Reader book review of You, Inc.

This from WiP reader Anne Witkavich (check out her blog here):

You, Inc.: The Art of Selling Yourself
By Harry Beckwith and Christine Clifford Beckwith

Review by Anne Witkavitch

Walk into any bookstore or surf online and there is an overabundance of self-help and motivational books promising something new, something different for the …

Rudy’s strategy blew. I should know

My sister Emy loves to tell this story.

In high school P.E., we had to run races of varying lengths as part of the Presidential Fitness tests. You might ask why an international school populated only minimally by Americans had to abide by the American president’s fitness standards. You might ask if we even knew who the American …

Recycling magazines is excellent. Really

Just got this memo in my inbox from Time Inc.’s corporate leader, Ann Moore:

I want to share the details surrounding our newest sustainability initiative. ReMix (which stands for Recycling Magazines is Excellent) is a national public education campaign aimed at increasing residential recycling of magazines and catalogs. The campaign

Dreaming about work is normal

I awoke this morning from a disturbing dream. In the dream, I was…typing. Actually, I was cutting and pasting within a document in an effort to format it correctly for a blog post.

I’m not kidding. I wish I was. Of all the places to let my unconscious roam in my too-few hours of sleep, it has to trot straight to the office.

Don’t lie …

Can sick Californians be fired for smoking pot?

No smoking at work. Or at home.

True or false:

Californians are permitted to grow and possess marijuana if a doctor says they need it for medicinal purposes.

True! A 1996 “compassionate use” law makes pot legal for those whose health is aided by its use.

True or false:

Private employers in California can fire you for using …

I so did not get a kudos (singular)

About an hour ago, 100-plus TIME staffers gathered in a large auditorium here at Time Inc. for what were billed as the Kudos Awards.

The whatos? is what I thought when I got the e-mailed invite. The invite looked important: it came from Ed McCarrick, the business chief of TIME, and the reminder note came from Rick Stengel, our managing …

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