Let’s just blame the fat people

I was among friends the other night, listening to a doctor go off about how health care in this country costs so much because Americans are fat. If she had to see one more obese mother feed her already-overweight eight-year-old child Cheetos for breakfast, this doctor said, she was going to scream. Want to know why we’re a nation of …

Baby Hand-Me-Downs Are Suddenly Trendy

Marketers may even be better than moms when it comes to using guilt—especially when they’re using guilt on soon-to-be moms. The message, sent implicitly or sometimes quite overtly, is that how and what parents purchase for the children are direct reflections on them as parents. How could you not want the very best (i.e., the most …

California Budget Solution: Tax Pot Sales

Few groups ask the government to tax them. But in light of California’s budget woes, a pro-marijuana group is advocating that the state government—that’s right, THE MAN—should take a piece of the action in pot sales.

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