Balancing a Startup and Family

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Launching a startup can be pretty daunting and all-consuming, so it’s understandable that work-life balance can be one of the first things to go for an entrepreneur.

If you have a family, that’s not such a good idea. Time with your family can keep you grounded and give you invaluable perspective – not to mention that they just plain need you – so be sure to make time with loved ones a priority.

Brock Blake, CEO of small business loan resource Lendio, lists a number of ways that he balances work and family in an article for Small Business Computing.

Set priorities and write them down. For example, family dinner, daily time with each child or a weekly outing or date might make good priorities. Then build a schedule and be disciplined enough to make it happen. It could take late nights, early mornings and sacrificing non-family activities to get it done.

And whatever the task at hand – work or family time – give it your complete focus. Your family doesn’t want you to be distracted any more than your coworkers do.

Adapted from 5 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Balance Work and Family at Small Business Computing.