Toss the Old Rules for Selling

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The recession challenged many long-held rules about how to boost sales. Instead of slashing prices and cutting customer support teams, try these counterintuitive tactics:

  • Don’t hire the hotshots. You want salespeople who can thrive in a team environment. Skip over the superstar who always hits top results. Chances are that person doesn’t cooperate with others and focuses exclusively on closing the deal.
  • Invest in customer support. Because the next level of new revenue often comes from renewals, add-ons, and upsells, redouble your focus on after-sale service and customer support. This will keep customers happy and ensure they come back for more.
  • Hold the line on prices. Don’t give your product away. You should compete with service, quality, and uniqueness, not the depth of your discounts.

Adapted from “Four Secrets to Selling More” by David K. Williams and Mary Michelle Scott.