Bring Out Quieter Voices on Your Team

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In groups it’s often the non-expert, the outlier, or the person who isn’t in charge who has the most interesting idea. You need to structure ways to hear that person or you will always drown him out.

Here’s how:

  • Air out differences. Talk openly about the opportunities and challenges of working together. Do it anonymously by letting people write down their concerns and then discussing them as a group.
  • Let the non-expert talk first. Flip the relationship between the expert and the novice. Start the meeting by having those with the least expertise give their perspectives first.
  • Ask what you’re missing. This should be one person’s job. Don’t assign the role ahead of time, but randomly select a person in the meeting so everyone pays attention and is equally prepared.

Adapted from “Collaboration by Difference” by Cathy Davidson.

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