Surviving Your First Media Interview

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If your business is growing and you’re getting noticed, eventually you’re going to get interviewed by a media outlet somewhere. Here are some tips to help you communicate effectively with the media.

Rob Sabo at Small Business Computing urges interviewees to remember the “Three Cs,” which stands for composure, conviction and conversation. You control the outcome, so speak informally but clearly. You are being interviewed because you’re the expert, so share insight into how and why your business has grown and the obstacles you’ve overcome along the way.

And because you’re the expert, make sure the reporter understands you. Start at a basic level to make sure everything is understood, and don’t be afraid to go off the record if something you share could help you get your point across – but make sure the reporter agrees that you’re off the record and all recording devices are off.

Don’t get distracted; stick to your main points and reiterate them, and dress for the occasion too (solid colors and a company logo for TV).

And nurture your relationships with members of the press; you may become a sought-after source in your area of expertise.

Adapted from How to Navigate Media Interviews Successfully at Small Business Computing.