Eating “Very Well” for Less Than $20 a Week

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Here’s how one blogger is doing it.

Some snippets from Omnithoughts:

I used to spend between $300 – $400 per month on groceries, and I live by myself. Lots of pizzas, burritoes, microwave meals, steak…whatever looked tasty at the time. Not only was I wasting money, but had gained a lot of weight and become very unhealthy….

I bought a 6-quart slow cooker. I learned some easy and tasty recipes and ended up only cooking once or twice per week, as most slow cooking recipes consist of chopping up a few things and chucking them in the cooker and forgetting about them for 8 hours or so. I ate Guinness Beef Stew, French Dip, Pot Roast, Chili, Pulled Pork and other really tasty stuff.

This worked pretty well for a while, and I cut my grocery bill to about $120/month. Spent $60 every two weeks. Got paid, planned my meals for the next two weeks and shopped accordingly. Much better than wandering around the whole store with no list, no plan ….

I learned about Indian, Thai, and Middle Eastern cooking, as how there are a vast number of dishes that use rice, couscous, and other grains as a filler, and very delicious vegetables are served with it. I love spicy food and figured that this would be a good way to go. I wanted to be as authentic as possible. As it turns out, the more authentically you cook, the cheaper it often is! …

Now, I go to the store, buy my veggies, and only have to replace bulk items occasionally as they run out, and they never all run out at once. Sometimes I have to buy something canned or bottled, like coconut milk or olive oil, but it’s not much. I plan my meals for the next week, and cook on the weekends. As soon as the meal is done cooking, I put it into tupperware containers and I have my lunch prepared for the week. Grab and go…

I now have more energy, the pounds are starting to drop off, and I feel more confident overall. My grocery bill is usually less than $20/week. It’s often between $10 – $15.

Read more:
How to Eat Well on $50 a Week

How to Eat on a Dollar a Day

How to Bring Your Grocery Bill Down to $15 a Week