De mythe van de rationele markt

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My book just got its first media coverage. And it’s on a Dutch financial Website. How cool is that?

(The writer, Katrijn de Ronde, happened to be in New York a couple of weeks ago working on another article. She had gotten all interested in financial market theory after reading Roger Lowenstein’s When Genius Failed, and came across my writings on the subject. Hence the article.)

My favorite bit is in the comments, where Piet J.W.Duffhues, a finance professor at the University of Tilburg, complains (translation mine):

Efficient market theory deserves more study

The EMH [efficient market hypothesis] is an extraordinarily interesting and relevant theory of the behavior of investors. Many write about it without giving it thorough study. This book appears to suffer from this flaw, and therefore contributes to the confusion.

I knew it. Shoulda spend another six years working on the thing!

(I should add that Professor Duffhues makes this criticism without having given my book any study at all—it’s not out yet, and I sure didn’t send him a galley. I promise, it really is pretty danged thorough.)