How women bosses differ from men, and what that says about Hillary

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I got a story pitch recently from Caliper Corp., which calls itself an international management consulting organization. The company says it analyzed women “on a worldwide basis,” and found four unique qualities among female leaders:

• They’re more persuasive than their male counterparts.

• They feel the sting of rejection, learn from adversity, and carry on with an “I’ll show you” attitude.
• They have an inclusive, team-building style of leadership and decision making.
• They’re more likely to ignore rules and take risks.

Caliper continues,

What could this mean for Hillary Clinton’s presidency? She could be exceptionally open to accomplishing results in new ways, rather than being bound to past rules and procedures. Should her initial ideas get shot down, she might be inclined to develop more innovative solutions to present to Congress, instead of simply backing away. Her Cabinet could be “party agnostic” as she surrounds herself with well-qualified people, regardless of their affiliations. And she could bring particular insights to international relations, with an ability to pick up on subtleties and nuances.

Astute workplace observation or blanket gender cliché? You decide; it’s not like we’ll get a chance to find out anytime soon.