The conspiracy to force Dutch ideas on America gains strength

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I’ve written in the pages of Time that this country should think about emulating the excellent Dutch pension system. Now Gautam Naik reports in the W$J that we might want to take a close look at the how the country does health care as well:

Since a new system took effect here last year, cost growth is projected to fall this year to about 3% after inflation from 4.5% in 2006. Waiting lists are shrinking, and private health insurers are coming up with innovative ways to care for the sick.

The Dutch system features two key rules: All adults must buy insurance, and all insurers must offer a policy to anyone who applies, no matter how old or how sick. Those who can’t afford to pay the premiums get help from the state, financed by taxes on the well-off.

This sounds a lot like Ron Wyden’s plan (explained here by Ezra Klein). But clearly the Dutch had it first.

And what’s next for the hegemonic little nation I love? Are the Dutch going to start telling us how to build our levees, too?