My daughter’s career plans

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This morning in the Cullen kitchen:

MIKA (daughter, age 3): Daaaa-ddy. (Big hug. Pause.) I need some money.

CHRIS (husband): What do you need money for?

MIKA: I need money so I can go to the money store and buy some money.

CHRIS: Where do you think we can get some money?

MIKA: From the piggy back.

CHRIS: Well, I think you’re a little young for a piggy bank. But you could get a job if you want.

MIKA: What kind of a job?

CHRIS: What would you like to be?

MIKA: A princess.

CHRIS: That doesn’t always pay very well. How about an astronaut?

MIKA: No, thank you.

CHRIS: How about a doctor?

MIKA: No, I can’t.

CHRIS: Well, what would you like to be?

MIKA: A paid princess.