What do you think Steve Schwarzman will buy with his $350,000 in pocket change?

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In its preliminary IPO prospectus, private equity firm Blackstone Group said it will henceforth pay billionaire bossman Stephen Schwarzman a salary of just $350,000 a year (don’t worry, he’ll have a few other sources of income).

Anyway, in my post yesterday I described this as “just the money he uses to tip coat-check ladies.”

Meanwhile, Dana Cimilluca wrote in WSJ.com’s Deal Journal that “it probably would cover a mere slice of his birthday cake.”

Come on, people of Internetland, I think you can do better than that.

Update: A nice one from Dealbreaker:

Last night a friend of ours wondered if Steve Schwarman might drop his $350,000 salary in the backseat of a cab after celebrating the IPO one night. Like a spare umbrella or a girl you met at The Anchor.

Update 2: By the way, I’m not saying I didn’t like Dana C’s quote. I was just urging a little reader participation. With so far disappointing results (not that I don’t like YMM’s comment).